Holistic Inner Balance: Natural Mental Health Podcast
Merging modern science with ancient wisdom, this podcast is your go-to resource for natural mental health and wellness strategies to become the expert of your own emotional and physical wellbeing. With Dr. Nicole Cain’s expertise in clinical psychology and natural mental health, and cohost, Hadlee Garrison, MPH of Happy Healthy Hadlee’s, zone of genius in Ayurveda and building healthy habits, they offer a unique take on mental health with every episode. The heart of this podcast is to teach you how to be your own natural mental health expert (although there may be dabbling in other topics as well), to uncover, discover and come back to your truest self. You can expect these conversations to be filled with fun and laughter, while shedding light on the amazing wisdom at our fingertips.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
106. Anxiously Attached & Building Secure Relationships with Jessica Baum, LMHC
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Jessica Baum, LMHC, is the author of Anxiously Attached: Becoming More Secure in Life and Love, and founder of Be Self-full® (beselffull.com), supporting individuals and couples to form healthy, long-term relationships with virtual coaching and transformational courses worldwide. As a couples and family therapist for over a decade, Jessica utilizes her unique approach to healing, the Self-full® Method. With a foundation in interpersonal neurobiology, it has helped thousands of clients to heal from trauma. Born and raised in Manhattan, she now lives in West Palm Beach, Florida working with clients internationally.
Learn more about Jessica’s book and redeem a free course: https://www.beselffull.com/podcast-link
Stay connected with Jessica: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicabaumlmhc/
Additional Resources:
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
105. 5 Types of People Pleasers - Do You Identify With Any?
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
We're delving into a topic that resonates with many of us – people-pleasing. We have identified 5 different types of people pleasers and are ready to talk about the light and dark sides to each along with tips for avoiding people pleasing. Here is more on what you can expect in this episode:
Signs you might be a people pleaser
Is people pleasing manipulation (unintentional)
Types of people pleasers
The light and dark sides to each type
Ayurveda connection with these types
Causes of people pleasing (unmet needs)
Tips for being true to yourself and to avoid people pleasing
How to embody compassionate assertiveness
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
104. You Don’t Need Time Management, You Need Energy Management!
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Time management isn't a thing, what you actually need is energy management and Hadlee is here to tell you why!
Here's what you can expect in this episode:
Easy steps to take to manage your energy
What even is energy management?
Why you need to forget about time management
What is giving you energy vs. taking away energy and what to do with that information
How to find out what energizes you
Being in sync with your circadian rhythm is about more than just sleep
How to automate parts of your life to avoid decision fatigue
How structure can actually create freedom
You don't just need to say no, you just need to say yes to energizing activities and no to energy draining activities
Book recommendations:
Essentialism by Greg Mckeown
Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
Related episodes to listen to:
16. The Top 6 Success Hacks that Will Change Your Life
82. Why You Should Quiet Quit Your New Year's Resolution (Habits)
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
103. Can Horror Help with Stress Levels? with Therapist Katy Jaramillo
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
It's spooky season!! Are you a fan of horror? Have you thought deep down why that is? Our special guest Katy may be able to tell you why!
In this episode, we explore the depths of horror, is watching horror films or reading horror actually beneficial for our mental health? Katy is a therapist, horror enthusiast, and understands the depths of horror and it's impact on our health and wellness!
Katy is licensed professional counselor and a registered art therapist specializing using narrative and creative techniques in the treatment of trauma and medical challenges. She has a life-long passion for stories, scary or otherwise. She has become increasingly curious about the psychological and social implications of horror stories in the past five years. She sees parallels in the struggles and the triumphs of her favorite fictional characters and in the resilience of her clients.
Connect with Katy:
Here is what you can expect in this episode:
How horror can be helpful and the different types
The physiology of fear/our stress response
How horror can be helpful in people that experience chronic stress
Why do some people like being scared
The 3 C's of why horror can be beneficial
Katy's favorite trope and how she can relate to it
The symbolism horror brings to what is going on in society
Why Katy will turn on a horror movie when she is stressed
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
102. Flunking Kindergarten to Opera to Becoming a Doctor - Who is Dr. Nicole?
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
In honor of a recent birthday, we want to learn more about Dr. Cain, her story of failure and triumphs, what has shaped her into the person she is today and what can we all learn from it?
The impact of Dr. Cain's childhood on the rest of her life
The only acceptable emotions growing up
Who Dr. Cain was before becoming a naturopathic doctor
Dr. Cain not wanting to comply with the current cognitive behavior system of care
Why Dr. Nicole decided to go into psychology and later naturopathic medicine
Using adversity to grow and making your mess your message
Making meaning out of challenges instead of waiting to find out what the meaning is
Rapid fire questions:
One word to describe Dr. Nicole
Dr. Nicole's biggest pet peeve
One meal she would eat for the rest of your life
What makes Dr. Nicole smile
Her favorite color and the meaning behind it
Never let Dr. Nicole do this 😂
Shownote bonus - Dr. Cain's most embarrassing story:
Having buck teeth as a child.
Additional Resources:
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
101. Fight or Flight? How to Leverage the Vagus Nerve
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Have you heard about the vagus nerve? It's been receiving a lot of buzz lately and we wanted in on that! We'll explore the secrets hidden within this neural highway that runs through much of the body. Fasten your seatbelts, as we embark on a road trip to leverage the vagus nerve!
Here's what you can expect in this episode:
- How to measure the tone and activity of the nerve- Leveraging fight or flight- 5 primary ways the vagus nerve regulates the nervous system- How to find a state of calm by identifying signals- When is fight or flight activated?- How to tone the vagus nerve- Polyvagal theory: What is it?Check out the book Polyvagal Theory by Steven Proges
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
100. Celebrating 100 Episodes! Growing Through Risk and Change
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
We are beyond thrilled to celebrate a remarkable milestone today – our 100th episode! 🎙️✨
Whether you've been with us from the very beginning or recently joined our podcast family, your presence means the world to us. Each download, like, share, and review has motivated us to keep delivering content that we hope has informed, entertained, and inspired you.
So, here's to you, our wonderful listeners! Thank you for sticking around, for your loyalty, and for being an essential part of our podcast family. We couldn't have reached this milestone without you, and we can't wait to see what the next 100 episodes have in store.
Now, here's what you can expect in this episode:
- Nicole and Hadlee celebrate their 100th episode and discuss how they've grown personally from podcasting- How social media and announcing our goals can prevent us from growth- Practicing self-forgiveness and saying "I'm sorry"- How accepting ourselves and the resources we have right now helps us grow and change- How we perform in vs. outside of our comfort zone- What role nervous system dysregulation plays in helping us grow (refer to last podcast episode)- What is heart rate variability?- Suffering vs. struggling and how to exist in these states- Detaching from the outcome and living in the rough draft
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
99. Overwhelmed by Supplements? Here’s What You Should Know
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by supplements? With so many out there, how do you know what to take, should you be taking a supplements for that particular symptom, where do you even start?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you're in the right place! Let's dive in!
- What to do when you want to implement natural health but don't know where to start
- How to get better results more efficiently by starting with your most intense concerns first
- Why we need to pay attention to our gut health
- Gather data from your body by noticing feelings and follow them back to the root where they first began to help you understand yourself
- General treatments means general results! Why we need to learn what our body needs before choosing supplements
- Dr. Cain shares the two supplements she suggests most people take
- How our mind and body are connected and what it means for our health
Hello Sleep by Jade Wu
👉 Take the 8 Types of Anxiety Quiz to help narrow down what solutions are right for you
👉 Discover your Ayurveda mind-body constitution so you can work to balance it and optimize your health
👉 Click here to learn more about Dr. Nicole’s Holistic Wellness Collective, a membership designed for the mental health warrior that provides holistic protocols to find balance in your health and wellness journey
👉 Click here to learn more about Hadlee’s Happy Healthy Habits Coaching Program, a step-by-step program you've been searching for to actually follow through on your health and wellness goals
👉 Order Supplements Here
💻 Check out the available online courses:
Ayurveda: The Key to Your Success
Mapping Out Your Benzo Taper
💕 Stay connected with us:
Dr. Nicole on Instagram
Happy Healthy Hadlee on Instagram
Dr. Nicole Cain, ND MA is a nationally renowned expert in natural mental health, helping people transform their mental health naturally by uncovering the root cause. She has been published by Salon Magazine, Well + Good, Psychology Today, quoted in Forbes and more!
Hadlee Garrison, MPH is an Ayurvedic expert, academic, healer and her mission is to teach people how to transform their habits, health, bodies, energy, confidence, and all of the other things in order to lead less stressed and more joyful lives.
Disclaimer: This podcast was created by Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH for educational purposes only. These are the opinions of Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, MA and Hadlee Garrison, MPH and should not be taken as the “definitive opinion” or “absolute medical opinion” on any subject. This podcast is not a substitute for medical, psychological, counseling or any other sort of professional care. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with.